No hay ejemplos disponibles para ninguno de los sinónimos
Uso de french education minister en inglés
Pink Europe is finished, says Claude Allégre, a former Frencheducationminister.
FrenchEducationMinister Valerie Pecresse stressed that France's ban only applied to MON 810, not all GMOs.
The FrenchEducationMinister, Mr Claude Allegre, pulled out all the stops to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the Sorbonne this week.
FrenchEducationMinister Jean-Michel Blanquer said the move was designed to limit distractions and cyber bullying, as well as encouraging children to socialise.
Frencheducationminister Benoit Hamon said the mother had "serious psychiatric problems", and pledged support for teachers in the face of angry or violent parents.
FrenchEducationMinister Vincent Peillon speaks during a news conference about the PISA 2012 study results at the Ministry in Paris December 3, 2013.